Wade Blankenship 354
Wade was just a young boy living up No Business Creek. His father had died and his mother was having a tough time raising a bunch of kids on her own. It was hard life. Wade had a trap line with a neighbor boy and they had accidentally trapped a friends cat. They were in the house by the fire trying to nurse the cat when a someone burst in with the news. All he knew was No Business Creek and the rest of the world was about to come crashing in.

I remember where I was exactly when I heard the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. I was sitting in a chair, behind the stove, holding a cat’s paw in my paw. And I know when I heard that that came over the radio, that we didn’t have a radio at that time, um but it came over the radio that the Japes had bombed Pearl Harbor, I threw that cat plum cross the house and took off home. The reason I was soaking his foot, I had caught him in a trap and I was, that was our doctor, that is what we used to take to swelling out of his foot. I was scared to death. I mean I was I didn’t know what it was 50 miles down the road. I was scared. I was scared. My wife had five brothers in the war, in the service at one time.

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